LEGO Typewriter
This typewriter is an offering from the LEGO Ideas platform, which is a LEGO initiative that takes new ideas created and voted for by fans and turned into reality! This particular LEGO set is #21327 and the idea was submitted by Steve Guiness. And he should win a Guiness World Record for this, if I may say so. And he has this to say about his idea. Quote: “I wanted to create something totally different from anything that LEGO has ever done before and showcase that you really can make anything out of LEGO.” Well kudos to you for that, mate! What is most amazing is that this LEGO Typewriter actually works! Although from looking at it, I think it’s a bit smaller than a real typewriter, though I can’t be sure since I am not that well versed in the world of typewriter. But who cares! I think it looks cute at this size to be honest! This LEGO set has 2,079 pieces and LEGO said it quote : “designed to mirror the function and tactility of a classic typewriter”. It features a center type bar that rises every time a key is struck. And an actual working cartridge that moves horizontally. You can load a real piece of paper into this type writer and actually type on it with this absolutely 100% functional typewriter! Also in the box you get a signed letter from Thomas Kirk Kristiansen, chairman of the Lego Group which he says is a nod to “the lost art of letter writing,”! Of course, with all things LEGOs, the allure of this type writer is that you get to build it all yourself! Another allure is the LEGO aesthetics that we’ve all come to know and love! The aesthetics that says: See I made this myself! I might not fully work but who cares! Yes I know it’s missing a piece but, honestly, I think the manual is faulty! There! I said it! The LEGO set is available today to LEGO VIP members and goes for $199.99.